Dhoop Sticks – Not Only For Religious Use!

Do you every wonder why we burn Dhoop Sticks during the religious ceremony? There are numerous reasons to do it. You have ever noticed that many things we do during religious ceremonies, but among them, the most important thing you do is lightning of Dhoop sticks in front of God’s idol. This is one of the most important customs followed by Hindus, from past decades of years. There are some definite and scientific reasons behind most of the Hindu Rituals. Let us now go on through some important reasons behind Lighting of Dhoop Sticks.

Origin of Term Dhoop Sticks:

According to the Indian History, term dhoop sticks originates from the “dhoop trees”, mainly found in the eastern India. When it is burnt it gives out rich fragrances. But the popular dhoop sticks are essentially a mixture of ghee, herbs, and woods.    

Philosophical Moral:

      A philosophical moral of the burning incense stick is that, just as it burns away to fragments while instantaneously transfusing the air with fragrance, an applicant should sacrifice his life to serving others and frame it such that its fragrance inspires others.


Psychological Reasons:


Dhoop Sticks are not only used for spiritual benefits but also used for physical benefits also. It is used in several therapies. The aroma that spreads in the air when you light a dhoop sticks has an immense healing and soothing effect on the mind. Because of this reason you feel relaxed and forget all the troubles and worries. This also helps to pray god will your whole soul and whole heart. When you offer prayer with great devotion it acts like a meditative process that reduces stress and depression.


Creates Ambiance:


  As a part of traditional Hindu rituals when you light incense it eliminates all foul odors from the air around. It generates the perfect atmosphere for the presentation of a religious ceremony or Hindu customs. The very smell of dhoop sticks can be related to religious rites and rituals. They are also used as natural sanitizer that fortitudes away pests.


Anti- Septic in Nature:


   Ayurveda suggests the use of incense in the room mostly due to its antiseptic nature which permits it to purify the air as well as because of the healing belongings. The smell divulges well-being when inhaled by a sick person.


Use to Cure Diseases:


Dhoop sticks are used since ancient times, to cure many diseases. Medicinal Herbs are used in dhoop sticks which help to cure many nervous problems, sleeplessness, constipation, depression, and stiffness, this is known as aromatherapy. The natural ingredients such as sandalwood, saffron improve blood circulation, cure skin diseases, it also helps to soothe body aches and pains.


Dhoop sticks are not only as a measuring part of their religious ceremonies but also for personal things like aromatherapy. So, next time every time you light an incense stick, evoke that it benefits you in more than one way.  

