Defining the Key Components of Data Security

Looking at the high profile businesses shoving data security and data privacy into the public eye, data security has become significant than ever. Hence, strong updated data governance plan ready is important to keep your sensitive information safe.
In order to start with the data governance plan, here’s a list of some of the key components -

Information and Classification of Assets –
Data security is ensured by collecting information of assets within a company.    

When asset information is gathered and classified, it helps to determine the business impact after the asset is compromised. If the asset is compromised, it saves time spent on trying to find what’s been affected as you can quickly download the information related to that asset. Following the practice of business impact analysis, you can identify and classify the different assets within the company.

Ownership and Privacy of Data –
Data ownership is the next important part of a robust data governance plan which determines the owners of different data sources. After identifying the owners, they need to ensure that they know the data flow as well as the existence of sensitive information within their responsible areas.

Next follows the implementation of data governance structures such as encryption and significant management solutions. By diving into the details of the sensitive data flow, the data owner can work on technical controls required to protect the data.

Understanding where the sensitive data may be placed will help the organization to document the administrative controls to protect sensitive data through a formal policy as well as knowing the scope of the technical controls to be implemented for ensuring data privacy.

Data Security Controls –
One needs to recognize where the data is housed under the organization and the patrons responsible for it, it is authoritative to ensure that all controls are examined actively and obligate for the sensitive data protection.

Now is the time to plan the technical policies that force data sensitivity and assure that the sensitive data can be decrypted only by authorized users and processes.

When you have a clear definition of the data security controls, it becomes easy to know where the technical controls are required within your territory as well as the threat your organization is protecting itself.

In order to define the data security controls for your organization, one needs to know the difference between data in use, data at rest and data in transit. Additionally, it’s also important to learn the state of your data.

Talking about the data breaches, technology isn’t the only viable solution. Creating data security controls for your database, applications, users and other methods of accessing sensitive data is a must.

In conclusion, businesses will continuously generate significant data every day and threat players will no doubt try and destroy it by exploiting the vulnerable applications and systems.  So, the approach of protecting subtle data begins with understanding your data and the assets that enter the sensitive data of your organization.
