7 Practical Tips On How To Maintain And Monitor Your Bar Inventory

Whether you own a restaurant or offering catering services, good bar inventory management is crucial. This does not only include your good line of drinks but also your proper barware. Here are some tips that may help you keep a good inventory. 

1. Keep Tabs On Popular Drinks 

Knowing which drinks are more common and during which day of the week they are most ordered on are two of the most important information that you need to track. These two will give you an idea of what ingredients you need to get. If most people order drinks that require bar syrup, then you should double the amount of your orders for bar syrup as well. One of the fastest ways for a bar to lose a patron is by not being able to serve them the drinks that they want. 

2. Understand Mixes 

Operating a popular bar becomes a headache if there aren’t mixes available. There are many suppliers for you top order from if you are looking for mixes of popular drinks. Popular drinks include: 






Of course, it is still important that you keep track of which drinks are popular in your bar. Stock up on the mixes but ensure that you only get ones that are of appropriate quality in order to not disappoint the customers. 

3. Use the Right Equipment 

A common issue that failing bars have is the lack of preparation when it comes to equipment. If you are opening a pub that promotes beer products as the staple, then you are most likely not going to expect bar mixes to be common orders. Hauling a mixer in the middle of the bar will be all for naught and can leave a huge dent in the budget for the business. 

4. Strategize With Your Staff 

Those that face customers regularly are the ones that will know the most. If you find it tough to keep tabs on the orders of the customers directly, then you can do it by proxy through your staff. It may be a huge burden, however, if you ask them to keep records of everything so go light on what you require them to archive. 

5. Know Your Goal 

Strategizing is impossible to do if you don’t have at least one concrete goal that you want to achieve with your bar. If you are going to promote specific drinks, make sure that you’ve done the research required to know whether the people in your area will actually be interested in those drinks. If it’s a one-off, then you should look for a company that provides catering barware

6. Designate the Type of Bar 

There are many different types of bars that one can operate. It is tempting to be the jack of all trades but that eliminates the ability to excel in one particular thing or being able to attract a specific demographic. Know the type of bar that you operate and what you need to operate it smoothly. 

7. Quantity vs Quality 

Ensuring the quality of what you serve is important, but you also have to look at the overall budget of the bar. Always know how much you’re able to spend with catering barware.
